Well, here it is, full-on fall and I haven't written during the summer! So here is a re-cap of the summer happenings.
Summer itself was fleeting. Seemed it just didn't get here, then there was a brief hot few weeks, then rain and cooler weather again. I did manage to get some red tomatoes by August, but many of the other summer crops were disappointing. The Egmont blackberries, which are everywhere in town, seemed to not be as sweet as usual. Not enough warm sunshine?
We had our usual bbqs on the deck. Lots of prawns, salmon and burgers. Out of town guests love to sit on the deck, look out over the inlet, while enjoying some BC brew and delecacies. Pulling up the prawn traps are always fun for visitors. Unless the traps are empty or low!
We lost our adopted lab, Grizzley, at the end of the summer. Fortunately, his former owner, Matt was able to visit us this summer and they got to have a final walk down the beach. Grizzley was at least 15 years old and wasn't getting around too well. He just fell asleep on his pillow and didn't wake up. We will miss you old guy.
After losing Grizzley and our wonderful Sheltie, Sherlock, last year, we are now dogless.
We have always had a dog and especially want one to keep the bears at bay here. So we are deciding which breed we want to get and mulling it over this winter.
We are also down to one cat, Dusty. Our other cat, Bubbles, also died this summer. She was 18+. We just seemed to get down to all older animals this year. We will be getting a couple of kittens when the opportunity presents itself.
Had a great overnight boat trip with friends this August. Took their lovely Bayliner around the inlet to Pender Harbour and checked out the vintage cars at their annual car show in Garden Bay. Met up with some other couples, enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Painted Boat resort and a great bbq the next evening. Thanks, Heather and Kent! Check out Heather's blog
Spent a lot of time in the US this summer too. Jim and I took a road trip through north central Washington state in August and visited friends in Tonasket. We took in the annual Garlic Festival. Lots of food, music and (believe it!) belly dancers!
We met up with our son Mason(left pic) and had a great birthday dinner for Jim with our friends, Allen and Cathy. Allen seems to have perfected the smoked burger and chicken on his grill. I had fun decorating a mug for Cathy to fire later with her very creative pottery pieces. She has a good eye and a whimsical outlook on life.